Current Research

There are currently no ongoing research recruiting participants. New studies will take place soon.

Join the lab

Prospective Graduate Students

Dr. Carleton will be accepting up to one new student into the Clinical Psychology Program for the Fall 2025 year.

Dr. Asmundson will be accepting a new student into the Clinical Psychology Program for the Fall 2025 year. Prospective students who are interested in joining our lab are encouraged to send an email along with their CVs and statement of interest. However, please note that Dr. Asmundson does not meet with students prior to the application deadline.

If you are interested in the Experimental and Applied Psychology Program click here for more information. The deadline for applying to the Clinical Program is January 15, 2025, and official decisions will be made available to applicants prior to April 15, 2025. Department of Psychology's graduate brochure, available here, may provide further guidance for prospective applications interested in joining our lab.

Prospective Honours Students

Application for the honours program is currently closed. If you are interested in applying click here for more information. The deadline for applications is February 1 of each year and students should not expect to receive notification of the results prior to March 15.

Usually, we open 1-2 positions in the lab each year. Students interested in the Honours Program should send an email expressing their intent to join the lab and send their CV and transcripts directly to Dr. Asmundson ( or Dr. Carleton (